Your morning alarm goes off. The bed is warm. It’s cold outside, and it’s dark. Maybe your partner is still slumbering. The thought of strenuous exercise right now is not enticing. The excuses begin creeping into your head. How will you ever convince yourself to go workout now?

I’m not a morning person. If you aren’t either and early mornings are the only time during your busy day that you can dedicate to fitness, here are five strategies to make sure you get out of bed and into the gym instead of succumbing to the snooze button:

1. Lay out everything the night before. If you’re surly from just waking up, you don’t want to go rummaging through drawers (potentially in the dark if your partner is still sleeping) to find workout clothes. The night before, put everything you need for your day in or next to your gym bag and put it by the front door. This includes any equipment you need, your shoes, your clothes (both gym and work if you’ll be heading straight to the office afterward), toiletries for your post-workout shower, etc. Ten minutes of preparation the night before can streamline everything and ensure you don’t forget anything in the morning while you’re still groggy.

2. Have a pre-workout beverage ready to drink as soon as you wake up. Coffee and other pre-workout beverages typically contain caffeine or other stimulants. Have one by your bedside and start sipping it immediately upon rising. Once you’ve taken a few gulps, you’re committed. There’s no going back to sleep now!

3. Dress warmly. Cold weather outside can be a disincentive to getting up in the morning. Prolong at least some of the comfort of the warm bed you just left by bundling up with plenty of layers before you walk out the door.  

4. Make your early morning workout something you most enjoy. You’re more likely to skip something you dislike in favor of another hour of sleep. So if you hate running, then don’t make yourself get up to go run. If you love yoga, then make it a yoga workout. Whatever you choose, be sure it’s something you enjoy and that motivates you to go.

5. Work out with a friend or get a trainer. If you know someone is waiting for you at the gym – your trainer or a workout buddy – you’re accountable to them to show up. This can be the difference-maker for people who struggle to get themselves to the gym in the morning.

My favorite saying for early morning workouts is: “never glad to go; always glad I went.” Use the tips above to support yourself and increase the likelihood of making your morning workout happen! And if you need additional help keeping your fitness commitments to yourself, send me an email ( and let’s work together!
