For busy people, leaving the house in the morning includes packing everything we need for the entire day into one (or more) bag and carrying it with us throughout the day. And these bags can be heavy — packed full of essentials like work papers, a laptop, a change of clothes and shoes, and other personal items. Making matters worse is that most adults ditched their backpacks after high school or college in favor of a more stylish and “adult looking” asymmetric bag.

An asymmetric bag is one that is held in one hand, slung over one shoulder, or otherwise carried on one side of your body. These include purses, briefcases, totes, sachels, and duffle bags. Without realizing it, many of us routinely carry these bags in the same hand or over the same shoulder day in and day out.

“Wearing a bag on one side can cause or reinforce muscle imbalances in the shoulders and spine. Those imbalances can also occur all the way down the chain, and can cause other issues, such as changes in gait — the way your body normally walks.” (Read more here: This can eventually lead to pain and dysfunction. So to help mitigate this effect, remember to alternate hands or sides of the body that bear the load of your asymmetric bag. If you usually carry your bag in your right hand or over your right shoulder, switch it up evenly between your right and left so that your body can begin to re-balance itself.

For some great tips on choosing, loading, and carrying your bag, click the article link above. And for help with a corrective exercise routine that can remediate muscle imbalances and other postural dysfunction, reach out to Law & Motion at
