These past few months we have had to reinvent our daily routines, including when, how, and where we fit in exercise. Being stuck at home means most of us have less square footage, fewer pieces of equipment, and less time for exercise in light of everything else we now have to juggle (working from home, homeschooling kids, etc.). As frustration and stress increase, motivation to take care of ourselves can wane.

This article recently published in the Washington Post offers some great advice:

I echo a few of the points made in the article. First, be kind to yourself. Acknowledge that you are being challenged by unprecedented circumstances. It’s difficult to overhaul your routine when the one you were in three months ago gets so disrupted. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re having trouble finding a new rhythm. Second, refocus your expectations and set new goals that feel achievable given the circumstances. If your pre-pandemic goal was to lose weight, perhaps your new goal can be to keep from gaining weight. If your previous goal was to raise your fitness level, maybe your new goal is to maintain the status quo. “Flat” is the new “up”! Or if you used to exercise an hour per day, four days per week, it’s okay to reset that schedule to 30 minutes per day, three days per week. Keeping an abbreviated routine is better than abandoning exercise all together. Third, stay optimistic and keep perspective. This will end, and our opportunities for fitness and outdoor activities will return.

Stay safe and strong!
