Newton’s first law of motion — an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion – illuminates a difficulty in any health and fitness routine: getting started is the hard part. This can be the result of a combination of factors.

One reason is because you have a rhythm to your day and to your life. If that rhythm does not include a regular workout program, then it takes effort to rearrange everything to find a place for it. Conversely, if going to the gym is already budgeted into your every week, it’s simpler to continue meeting that commitment to yourself.

Second, there’s likely a biological and psychological component at work here. If you’re already in a fitness routine, exercise-related endorphins along with the positive feedback loop that comes from seeing results can keep you motivated.

A third element is the “mountain factor.” It’s daunting to stand at the start of a long uphill climb and think how far you may have to go before you reach your goal. Don’t let this discourage you. Take it one day at a time, one workout at a time, and trust the process. A year from now, you’ll be glad you started today.

Finally, you might not know where to begin. The gym can be an intimidating place. My job as a personal trainer is to design a workout program appropriate for your goals and fitness level. You don’t have to think about which exercises to do; just show up and sweat. I will also teach you how to do each exercise correctly, so you can be sure you’re maximizing safety and effectiveness. And scheduling sessions with me also keeps you accountable and on track.

Email and let me help you get moving toward where you want to be.

